
More about docstring style mismatch (DOC003)

This violation code warns you when pydoclint thinks that the docstring is written in a different style than the style you specified via the --style config option.

1. How does pydoclint detect the style of a docstring?

pydoclint detects the style of a docstring with this very simple procedure:

2. How accurate is this detection heuristic?

The authors of pydoclint have manually tested this heuristic in 8 repositories written in all 3 styles (numpy, Google, and Sphinx), and have found this heuristic to be satisfactory:

However, we admit that 8 is too small a sample size to be statistically representative. If you encounter any false positives or false negatives, please don’t hesitate to file an issue here.

3. Can I turn this off?

Actually, this style mismatch detection feature is by default off.

You can turn this feature on by setting --check-style-mismatch (or -csm) to True (or --check-style-mismatch=True).

3. Is it much slower to parse a docstring in all 3 styles?

It is not. The authors of pydoclint benchmarked some very large code bases, and here are the results (as of 2025/01/12):

  numpy scikit-learn Bokeh Airflow
Number of .py files 581 929 1196 5004
Run time with 1 style [sec] 1.84 2.68 0.77 5.50
Run time with 3 styles [sec] 1.91 2.79 0.78 5.77
Additional run time [sec] 0.07 0.11 0.01 0.07
Relative additional run time 4% 4% 1% 5%

4. What violation code is associated with style mismatch?

DOC003: “Docstring style mismatch”.

5. How to fix this violation code?

You are suggested to check if the docstring style is consistent with what you specified via the --style config option. If not, please rewrite your docstring, or specify the correct style via --style.

Also, please note that specifying an incorrect docstring style may mask other violations. So after you fix the docstring style, you may need to fix other “new” (previously hidden) violations.