
How to ignore certain violations

As a native tool

Currently, pydoclint does not support ignoring certain violations as a native tool. Please use it as a flake8 plugin to achieve that, or feel free to contribute this feature.

As a flake8 plugin

In flake8 mode (meaning that you use pydoclint as a flake8 plugin), if you’d like to ignore a specific violation code (such as DOC201 and DOC301) in-line, you can add this comment to the function of your choice:

def my_function(  # noqa: DOC201, DOC301
) -> None:

If you would like to ignore certain categories of violations (such as DOC2xx) in-line, you can do this:

def my_function(  # noqa: DOC2
) -> None:

All the usage is consistent with how you would use flake8. Please read the official flake8 documentation for full details:

Usage with Ruff

With ruff>=0.1.3, allowlist DOC codes using the external setting:

Put the following in your pyproject.toml file:

external = [
    "DOC",  # pydoclint